Current version: 0.4.5_0
The clockspeed-conf package provides configuration scripts
to set up a clockspeed client and/or a taiclockd server using
D. J. Bernstein's daemontools for supervision and his
clockspeed package for time synchronisation.
It can sync to an ntp or a taiclock server.
The package installs two executables: clockspeed-conf and
clockspeed-conf makes two supervise skeletons, one for
clockspeed (DIR-speed) and the other for clockadjust
The former runs clockspeed to keep your clock running evenly,
the latter queries a time-keeping server in certain intervals.
It does not symlink the resulting service directories into
svscans central directory (often called /service/). You can
inspect and change the new services before activating them
taiclockd-conf makes one supervise skeleton to run a
taiclock master (synced by clockspeed)
clockspeed-conf is distributed under the BSD License
For the impatient
- Resolve requirements daemontools-0.76
and clockspeed-0.62
- untar
- cd clockspeed-conf-0.4.5; make install
- Make user accounts 'clockspeed' and 'log' (e.g.)
- /usr/local/bin/clockspeed-conf clockspeed log
/var/service/clockspeed ntp
- carefully check /var/service/clockspeed-*
- ln -sf /var/service/clockspeed-* /service/
- tail -f
Required packages for using clockspeed-conf:
- Get the
port skeleton:
As root untar the skeleton in /usr/ports
tar -xvzf clockspeed-conf-0.4.5_0-portskel.tar.gz -C /usr/ports
Install clockspeed-conf using the port
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/clockspeed-conf
make install clean
This will install daemontools and clockspeed as
Read INSTALL.FreeBSD provided with the clockspeed port in
order to configure your system with the right
timezone. This is usually located at
You may skip all sections concerning adjustments and
Short summary: (cd /usr/src/share/zoneinfo; make
-DLEAPSECONDS clean all install ; make clean)
- Now you are ready to read on at Usage
Note that the ports installation will add 3 users:
- Get daemontools and clockspeed from Bernstein's site (see
Requirements) and install them as documented there.
- rpm -i
- You may want to set up your timezone with the appropriate
file from /usr/share/zoneinfo/right/ in order to get the
proper local time.
- Now you are ready to read on at Usage
The rpm assumes that clockspeed and daemontools are installed
without patches in their default location.
Note that the rpm will add 3 users:
If you are unhappy with this, use the source installation
(section Others).
- Get daemontools and clockspeed from Bernstein's site (see
Requirements) and install them as documented there.
- Get the
source: clockspeed-conf-0.4.5.tar.gz
Untar the source:
tar -xvzf clockspeed-conf-0.4.5.tar.gz
Install the package:
cd clockspeed-conf-0.4.3 && make install
- Before using clockspeed-conf, you need some pseudo
clockspeed (time adjust service)
log (output/error log)
taiclock (taiclockd)
- Now you are ready to read on at Usage
These names are suggestions only and may differ on your
preferences. clockspeed-conf and taiclockd-conf are called
with the users as commandline options.
The required users can be easily generated with (e.g. on
groupadd log
useradd -g log -c "daemontools log user" -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false log
groupadd clockspeed
useradd -g clockspeed -c "clockspeed adjust service" -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false clockspeed
groupadd taiclock
useradd -g taiclock -c "taiclock daemon" -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false taiclock
After installation refer to manpages clockspeed-conf(8) and
taiclockd-conf(8) for usage details. Also refer to
/usr/local/share/doc/clockspeed-conf/ for further
Network communication layout
When configuring an entire network, it is advisable to set up
one local master (taiclock master) using ntp to sync to a
stratum 2 ntp server, providing taiclock time service for the
other systems (taiclock clients).
The taiclock master will run taiclockd as a service
listening for UDP requests on port 4014.
It syncs to a stratum 2 ntp server of your choice using the
clockspeed-adjust subsystem and calibrates its clock with
Note: It is important that this server does not run (x)ntpd
syncing the local clock.
The taiclock clients will use clockspeed to calibrate their
clock and taiclock to sync to the local taiclock master.
Ntp master server
First you need to select a time source. A list of public ntp
servers can be found at ECE/CIS
labs, UD. Please note that most timeserver administrators
like to be notified when you use their clock.
Standalone client (using an ntp master)
Configure the clockspeed/adjust supervise scripts:
/usr/local/bin/clockspeed-conf clockspeed log /var/service/clockspeed ntp ip.ad.dr.es
Use the ip.ad.dr.es of a public ntp server.
Activate the service by making a symlink from
/var/service/clockspeed-* to /service/
Taiclock master
First configure the server as standalone client as described
Then configure the taiclockd service:
/usr/local/bin/taiclockd-conf taiclock log /var/service/taiclockd
Activate the service by making a symlink from
/var/service/taiclockd to /service/
Taiclock client
Configure the clockspeed/adjust supervise scripts:
/usr/local/bin/clockspeed-conf clockspeed log /var/service/clockspeed tai ip.ad.dr.es
Use the ip.ad.dr.es of your local taiclock master server.
Activate the service by making a symlink from
/var/service/clockspeed-* to /service/
Filesystem hierarchy
Unfortunately the original clockspeed package does (can) not
conform to the anarchy of file system hierarchy `standards`. By
default the clockspeed service uses a socket
/usr/local/clockspeed/adjust to ajust the local skew and the
file /usr/local/clockspeed/etc/atto to remember the finetuning
adjustment value. The adjust socket is required to do
measurements of the local clock skew against a remote time
server (tai or ntp).
If clockspeed is installed on FreeBSD via the port
sysutils/clockspeed, the socket and atto file will reside in
By default, clockspeed-conf will expect clockspeed installed
from its original source using DJB's filesystem layout.
When installed from FreeBSD ports, clockspeed-conf will be
patched to use the FreeBSD hier(1) recommendations and
interoperates with the FreeBSD clockspeed port.
If you mix the installations (port / original source),
clockspeed-conf can be hinted to use the appropriate filesystem
layout using environment variables. See clockspeed-conf(8)
section ENVIRONMENT for details.
The adjust socket (fifo)
clockspeed provides a socket for clock adjustment after
startup. On default installations it is located at
/usr/local/clockspeed/adjust and is a fifo pipe.
If clockspeed was installed via FreeBSD ports, the adjust
socket will reside in /usr/local/clockspeed/etc/adjust.
If adjust is a regular file, something went very wrong. Stop
clockspeed, delete the file and restart clockspeed in that
The atto file
clockspeed writes its internal adjustment value into the file
If clockspeed was installed via FreeBSD ports, the adjust
socket will reside in /usr/local/clockspeed/etc/atto.
Note: the file will be existent only after a few clock
adjustments have been performed with clockadjust (done by the
clockspeed-adjust framework). It may take some time until atto
When you change your hardware (e.g. cpu, board, timing
parameters), the (old) atto value will be incorrect and so will
be your system clock. Delete it and restart clockspeed-adjust
in order to generate a new adjustment.
Log directory
Historically supervised services log into
/service/NAME/log/main/current. clockspeed-conf by default
obeys this convention.
But this has several disadvantages and some folks flavour the
hierarchy /service/NAME/log/NAME/current.
Try ps axuwww|grep multilog for reference.
To install the clockspeed services this way, simply set VA=yes
in the calling environment of clockspeed-conf. Alternatively
set ADJUST_LOGDIR=somename to log into
Author: Patrick Atamaniuk <atamaniuk at frobs dot
Based on work published by Frank
With help from the webmonster community
With help from Karsten Rohrbach, Clemens Fischer, Sebastian
Powered by djbdns, Powered by qmail
D. J.
Bernstein - clockspeed
D. J.
Bernstein - time
Tegtmeyer - Clockspeed Setup